To live fully is to live with an awareness of the rumble of terror that underlies everything. – Ernest Becker
Emotions follow thoughts. Your emotional state is a result of your thoughts….You think and you feel what you have thought.

If you want to know your past Look at who you are today. If you want to know your future. Look at your mind today.
Non Duality is the art of letting go of the me thoughts and engaging with the world
Your mind is similar to a live stream. Your experiences are uploaded to your brain you can continuously re-watch your experiences over and over again. To override this you must replace each negative thought that arises with a positive one.

It is very difficult to turn off your thoughts but you can control them by selecting them and superimposing good thoughts in place of the negative ones.

Much of our climate anxiety is a result of inaction. Like a coiled spring you are held in place with a huge amount of energy ready to be unleashed.
Love the whole world as if it were your self; then you will truly care for all things. – Laozi
Primal scream
Unleash your stress and anguish at those who are causing the climate breakdown by taking action with us or other similar groups. use your voice and your freedom of speech to engage with and protest against the cabal of people who’s ideology is creating the anxiety we all feel.
Take a day off from yourself. Pretend you are someone else for a day if you are John become Jeff for a day.

Fill your mind with natural wonder.
Our lives are cocooned within artifice. Devoid of life and energy, our environments are full of dead man made abstractions. If you can’t get out into the wild and majestic natural world then go into your imagination and escape reality. These images below will whisk you away.