Work in progress – notes and ideas
I always cheer up immensely if they attack one personally. It means they havent got a single argument left.
-Margaret Thatcher
I intend to vindicate Greta from all of the unwarranted spite that she has received during her fight against human and climate injustice.
A young autistic girl decided to step up and take action but why so many negative reactions?
Why so much scrutiny? The villainy being employed by those in power for the purpose of profit at the expense of those who are set to inherit a shattered world is a unforgivable crime.
Few people have the foresight and vision to see the icebergs ahead.
They keep their heads buried in the present day. Her superpower gives her the ability to foresee the dangers that lay ahead.
Bringing the captains of a slowly sinking ship heading towards the rocks to account.
No amount of criticism will make her dismount the the Eagle of justice.

“If we are to have peace on earth, our loyalties must become ecumenical rather than sectional. Our loyalties must transcend our race, our tribe, our class, and our nation; and this means we must develop a world perspective.”
Martin Luther King – Christmas sermon, Atlanta, Georgia, 1967.
She has injected a healthy youthful vigour into the public sphere of climate awareness and activism.
Her attempt to bring together humanity and unify the world to a common cause – the prevention of a planetary calamity.
We heap praise upon ball players, actors and celebrities with false lips and buttocks, but when someone calls upon us all to stand tall and make a difference there is a groan of media noise making personal attacks on her personal factors.
She is an embodiment of what is right and good. People dislike Greta because she is going against their high consumption 3 planet lifestyles.

For whom are these words of warning? They are for all of us who will be affected by global warming.
Rather than living in sufficient need those who sully her name, live for greed whilst living in the mire of obscurity and shame. Her passionate plea to the so called leaders of humanity. People’s unwillingness to accept reality.
The awareness and money she has raised (for good causes)
she stands against genocide and ecocide so naturally she’s vilified.
‘Humans have an innate and instinctive reaction against injustice and injury to others’ wrote Adam Smith.
Rather than be bedazzled by digital media and distractions and poltroonery she went out and made a difference.
The onslaught of slaughter to so many Palestine sons and daughters never falter. Would it have been ok if UK obliterated Ireland in retaliation against the IRA?
The world is watching..
Those in the future will be watching and weighing up our past actions.
The future will be kind to her as she stood up and fought for them in her own way. She stands up for what’s right despite the online spite that has been thrown at her with all their fingered might.
Advocating for climate justice fundamentally comes from a place of caring about people and their human rights. That means speaking up when people suffer, are forced to flee their homes or are killed – regardless of the cause,”
Fridays for the Future
“Demanding an end to this inexcusable violence is a question of basic humanity, and we call on everyone who can to do so. Silence is complicity. You cannot be neutral in an unfolding genocide.”