Hellscape by G. Loft

“To never have been born may be the greatest boon of all” – Sophocles.

“I do not fear death. I had been dead for billions and billions of years before I was born, and had not suffered the slightest inconvenience from it.” – Mark Twain.

Hell is here on Earth:

As many as 733 million people still go hungry. Poverty, conflict and the climate crisis are keeping life-giving food out of reach. (Action Against Hunger)

10 million people on average die of cancer every year. One in two people will get cancer.

720,000 people commit suicide every year (WHO)

Thousands are burnt alive each year ( Our World in Data)

Average 6000 people per year are electrocuted to death per year.

Life is pain and only the insane are happy.

We are all victims here. We have been dragged into existence kicking and screaming. We go through life driven by addictions and pain avoidance. We live in a constantly mutating and evolving hellscape with no escape but oblivion.

The creatures in this hell realm exist in order to rip the calories off of another creature in order to survive and perpetuate a set of DNA molecules. Billions of years of ripping and shredding. Life is the ultimate horror story with no meaning or happily ever after.

Hell (life)needs a constant source of victims to perpetuate itself. Desire to reproduce and survive keeps the hell wheel turning. Constant yearning.

Trillions of animals are ripped to shreds to sustain the higher animals who are in a constant state of deprivation and on the fringes of survival.

The world is a living nightmare full of disease, want, war, exploitation and sorrow.


Dreadful diseases and viruses stalk the earth to infect fresh victims. Blood sucking insects swarm and suck the blood and insert poison. Life is in a constant state of war.

Much of the world is almost being cooked alive by searing heat or frozen alive in artic conditions. Inhospitable conditions make up most of the planets liveable surface only to be made worse by climate change.

Mankind is a devil with its armies and constantly evolving death machines which he unleashes upon lesser advanced nations.


We are forced into all these routines like Sisyphus carrying out never ending tasks to meet our survival requirements. Endless routine, chasing our tails round and around until we eventually seize up through old age. We collectively reproduce ourselves to make the human hive thrive.

Our corporate masters have set up a global prison system where people are forced into a system of indentured servitude. The vast majority of peoples lives are spent there.

There has always been the big man who owns the capital who exploits the people who hasn’t got any capital. That is the story of history.


Mental illness, chronic pain, disease, war, poverty, homelessness, addictions are many impositions on the menu awaiting us – to be forced upon us – what will your affliction be?

Genetic misfits scamper around the fringes of society rejected by the mass of society.


― Arthur Schopenhauer


Everyone you ever loved and who has loved you will slowly decay and probably endure agonising pain and eventual death. Good people suffer the claws of existence. Innocent people taken away in the cruellest way.


Life (hell) is perpetuated by the seven deadly sins – lust, pride, greed, gluttony wrath and sloth. We assume life to be good as we indulge in the fleeting pleasure of the hedonistic hamster wheel. Superstitions…keeps the whole edifice chugging along. Eat and shit and reproduce more and evolve more to become more efficient mousetraps to carry on the process of getting other organisms calories to survive and make more to perpetuate a DNA molecule into the future.

Even our most innocent acts are causing untold misery across the planet to species, the biosphere and the poor multitudes.

To make our lives less hellish we impose hellish existences on others to make our devices and pleasure machines in sweat shops. Modern slaves have nets installed at Foxconn factories to prevent the workers from ending their lives by jumping out of the windows. Nets will catch them and a slave is saved. We can watch endless pn, video clips of people escaping evil on tv.

It can be argued that modern computerized technologies and machinery has helped us escape the hellscape. This is an error. We have caused the southern hemisphere to be enslaved to the north whilst ripping up the earth and decimating the natural world for our comforts and conveniences.

The Devils Workshop

Only the devil himself could conceive the horrors that nature has produced.

Psychology (The underbelly of Human nature)

Human nature at its core is based upon survival and replication. Used and abused. Interactions  genetics, mock battles such as sports. Friends are more akin to collaborators as the binds are team sports, tribalism and genetic determinism. Neuroticism, egotism and anxiety drive much of humanity in its flurry of activity. Puppets to the sub conscious drives to fight, flee and reproduce. Religions try to mitigate the brutality and vanity of human nature by bringing him down humbly before a god but this always fails as we can see with all of the religious wars and persecutions. Religions cannot contain the human instinct for lust, greed and violence.

The future that awaits

Was it worth it? Was a raped and murdered world worth it for a few decades of excess? How did you let this happen? You all knew . Everyone knew   –  Deluge

you may live to see man-made horrors beyond your comprehension.” – Nikola Tesla

The world is collapsing in all areas: The gulf stream; the balance of the worlds ecosystems, the climate is heating up as we have sucked the Triassic era out of the ground and pumped it into the atmosphere.

The only interesting thing about people in the future will be their phones. People will become vacuous shells of their former selves. Glaring will be the main human activity. Lumps of flesh animated by smartphones rather than other living beings. Dead behind the eyes with no longer having a sense of surprise as the phone is a constant stream of anima being pumped into each and every brain.

Robotization and automated technologies will render most of humanity economically useless, living a life with no purpose. Unknown in civilized human history. What will await us in this new epoch?

Over a billion refugees due to climate change and war within the next decade (The UN)

All homogenous societies will be broken up and disintegrated in order to protect the rulers of the world. Large bodies of culturally and ethally connected people are a threat to the world order (Jws)

Pictures of deadly animals, bugs and disease – war picture and so on.

The prison

We are born into a perpetual lifelong prison complete with prison guards (employers, schoolmasters and so on) from the cradle to the grave we are at the mercy of institutions. We live in a panopticon. At the very end of our sentence we are executed of one in a million ways ranging from heart failure to dementia.

Toil and trouble is a cloud that is constantly floating above us with ne exscape.

Maybe life on earth is one big testing ground. Heaven is the reward for passing the test. But for what? To sit in another realm for eternity?

Examples in history

“So this is hell. I’d never have believed it. You remember all we were told about the torture-chambers, the fire and brimstone, the ”burning marl.” Old wives’ tales! There’s no need for red-hot pokers. Hell is—other people!”

We’re all hurtling toward the bone yard

We are all defeated in the end.

Sentenced to Life

Life is a prison sentence we all must get through. We are here doing time, but our sentence has an unknown release date.

Seneca: If the dad retain no feeling whatsoever, my brother has escaped from all the troubles of life, has been restored to the place which he occupied before his birth, and, being free from every kind of ill, can neither fear, nor desire, nor suffer: what madness then for me never to cease grieving for one who will never grieve again? If the dead have any feeling, then my brother is now like one who has been let out of a prison in which he has long been confined…

Why then am I wasting away with grief for one who is either in bliss or non-existence? It would be envy to weep for one who is in bliss, it would be madness to weep for one who has no existence whatever…

If you recon it up properly, he has been spared more than he has lost.. If we are to believe some profound seekers after truth, life is all torment – Of Consolation: To Polybius

“But,” said I, with astonishment, “how would the human race continue?”

“But what is the use of its continuing?” he rejoined, vehemently.

“What! What is the use? But then we should not exist.”

“And why is it necessary that we should exist?”

“Why, to live, to be sure.”

“And why live? The Schopenhauers, the Hartmanns, and all the Buddhists, say that the greatest happiness is Nirvana, Non-Life; and they are right in this sense,—that human happiness is coincident with the annihilation of ‘Self.’ Only they do not express themselves well. They say that Humanity should annihilate itself to avoid its sufferings, that its object should be to destroy itself. Now the object of Humanity cannot be to avoid sufferings by annihilation, since suffering is the result of activity. The object of activity cannot consist in suppressing its consequences. The object of Man, as of Humanity, is happiness, and, to attain it, Humanity has a law which it must carry out. This law consists in the union of beings. This union is thwarted by the passions. And that is why, if the passions disappear, the union will be accomplished. Humanity then will have carried out the law,  and will have no further reason to exist.”

The Kreutzer Sonata – Leo Tolstoy


The only way to overcome hell is to become more hellish

If you are going through hell keep going – Winston Churchill

List Democide

War crimes


Devils workshop of diseases insects, fish and animals

Dantes inferno

Evolution – Evolving to what and why?

And EU’s Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) said its data to October showed this year is “virtually certain” to be the world’s hottest on record, with temperatures more than 1.5C above pre-industrial times for the first time.

The figures, which are based on computer-generated analyses and the “ERA5” dataset, which uses billions of measurements from satellites, ships, aircraft and weather stations around the world, come as countries prepare to meet for the latest round of UN climate talks, Cop29, in Azerbaijan.

Pigs v humans analogy – rolling around in happy metaphorical digital swill pumping out members of their own species. Whereas pigs don’t need standing armies or to rip up the earth to create infrastructure in order to live .

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