Your future prospects
We will be coerced to eat bugs Economically forced to live in small slum dwellings...
Which Path Forward? The Problem of Civilization by John Zerzan
Which Path Forward? The Problem of Civilization by John Zerzan The “elephant in the room”...
We cannot sustain the unsustainable
By Derrick Jensen This way of living cannot last. When it’s over, whether in ten...
We are F#cked
In this short essay, I will focus only on two reasons Homo sapiens lies on the edge...
The War Against God
AI genetic modification and so on. Work in progress...
The Spiritual battle
The battle is within the mind. The western world has died inside and is trying...
The poor will always be with you.
There always has and always will be poor people in society. Society has always been...
The Masses Love Bread and Circuses
How do we get the general public to change? In short we can’t. The mass...
The hydrosphere
The hydrosphere is the sum of all water on Earth and the water cycle that...
Planet 3 billion – Automation and a changing environment means we will have to peacefully reduce our global population to reduce suffering and an environmental catastrophe. By reducing our numbers we can have fewer resource wars, less extinction and a clean preserved biosphere for generations to come. Infinite growth on a finite planet will lead to more wars, environmental destruction and a scorched Earth. No other species in the web of life uses and abuses the environment as much as we do. Our impact is the equivalent of multiple nuclear explosions every day.